Safety First!
Here at Olympus we take safety seriously and during this pandemic we are upping our game! Wrestling is a great sport and we will be doing a few things to help make it so that your athletes remain safe while still being able to compete at wrestling. Below are the expectations and procedures we will be implementing for the 2020-2021 seasons.
- Clean the wrestling room between all practices
- We use a disinfectant, mildew-stat, virucide, deodorizer, and fungicide to clean our mats.
- We will also be using Clorox Bleach twice a week, just to make sure our room stays clean.
- We won't just be mopping the mats, the wrestling room will get cleaned between practices from top to bottom.
- Includes: walls, dummies, pull-up bars, climbing ropes, weights and weight equipment, benches and chairs.
- We will encourage and practice strict personal hygiene requirements
- Shower after ever practice or competition
- Wash hands with soap and water before and after every practice, match and competition.
- Keep your hands from touching your face.
- Clean all gear after you wear it. Never wear the same thing back to practice unless it has been cleaned.
- Wear face masks when you are in public and especially when your in our wrestling room. Exception during practices you will remove face masks after you get to an assigned location.
- If you're sick, even just a little... stay home!
- Practices and competitions
- If you're sick, even just a little... stay home!
- All practices will be available virtually through Google Meets for our athletes that want/need to stay home still.
- Complete this Pre-Screening Form before every practice or event that you attend.
- We will be taking temperatures at the door with a non-contact thermometer.
- Coaches will wear personal protective equipment during all events.
- Practices will be limited to just wrestlers and coaches.
- We love having parents come and help but to reduce the number of people in the room we ask that parents drop off their wrestlers and pick them up at the end of practices.
- Limited numbers of wrestlers in a session.
- This means that we will probably need to offer multiple sessions.
- View winter program information here.
- Groups: Wrestlers will only wrestle with other wrestlers that they are assigned too and will stay in a designated portion of the wrestling room.
- This will decrease the opportunity for exposure and allow for better contact tracing to occur.
- Only one parent/guardian should attend competitions. Efforts will be made to live stream events this season so other family members can watch from the comfort of their home.
- Bring your own water bottle, please don;t use the public drinking fountains.
- Regular breaks will be given to allow wrestlers to wash their hands.
- We encourage wrestlers to only wear their wrestling shoes on wrestling mats. This means that you will need to change into wrestling shoes at the practice or event instead of just coming to practice already in your wrestling shoes. This is a protective measure against bringing dirt onto the wrestling mats.